Bogor – Calon Presiden nomor urut 2, Prabowo Subianto held a gathering and dinner with 600 pastors from the Indonesian Pentecostal Church Fellowship (PGPI) at the Garuda Yaksa Padepokan, Hambalang, Bogor, on Tuesday (30/1).
Prabowo, who arrived at the padepokan around 8:00 PM, immediately met the pastors and shook hands with each one.
After that, the event continued with a dinner accompanied by songs. The atmosphere looked happy and full of togetherness.
The Chairman of PGPI, Pastor Jason, representing all those present, expressed his gratitude to Prabowo for being invited to the padepokan.
“We are grateful to be in this place. Those of us who are here, sir, come from all corners of the country, from 31 provinces, and the farthest from South Papua,” said Pastor Jason.
He continued, this proves that all PGPI members love Prabowo. “They are willing to take planes, take boats. In total, there are 96 Synods with a total of 53 thousand churches, sir. We always prioritize God, then worldly matters come second, including the presidential election. The presence of all Synods, the officials of the Synods throughout Indonesia, indicates that even though God is number one, Pilpres No. 2,” said Pastor Jason.
He also invited all PGPI Pastors to pray for Prabowo to be given strength and health to continue to help this nation.
“We pray, with your powerful programs such as free meals, health, and strength to Prabowo and let God’s will be for you, we rely on God. Once again, thank you sir, we feel honored to be invited to this place,” said Pastor Jason.
In response, Prabowo thanked for this visit. According to him, the Pentecostal Church has always supported him.
“Thank you for the honor of coming here (PGPI). I feel like you have always supported me for more than a decade, I don’t know how to repay, but surely you have seen my track record, how my programs are, how I fight for this nation,” said Prabowo.
On this occasion, representing the PGPI family, Pastor Jason pinned Prabowo. This pin is a sign that Probowo has become part of the large Pentecostal Church family. (SENOPATI)
Para Pendeta PGPI Makan Malam Bersama Prabowo, Nyatakan Dukungan